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SERVER SIDE SOLUTION: Outlook Web Access 2003 does not work in Internet Explorer 10

When you want to view your Exchange 2003 e-mail via Outlook Web Access on Internet Explorer 10 you don’t see your e-mails but a black text instead:

exchweb/img/tf_Messages.xsltable-layout:fixed;width:100%;MessagesBKBMBfalseNonepercentImportancei4;cursor:hand;text-align: center; Item Typestring;cursor:hand;text-align: center; FlagStatusi4;cursor:hand;text-align: center; Attachmentbooleanurn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment1101width:15px;cursor:hand;text-align: center; Fromstring;cursor:hand;text-align: ;padding-right:3px;padding-left:3px; Subjectstring;cursor:hand;text-align: ;padding-right:3px;padding-left:3px; Receiveddateurn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived1001width:26%;cursor:hand;text-align: ;padding-right:3px;padding-left:3px; ddd M/d/yyyyh:mm ttSizei4;cursor:hand;text-align: right;padding-right:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px “” = false AND “DAV:isfolder” = falseurn:schemas:httpmail:datereceivedDESCdatebackground-color:buttonface

The solution is simple. Enable compatibility mode for the webpage (press alt to show the menu, look under tools).

If you want this done automatically for all your visitors you can also add a header on your IIS6 so that every viewer gets forced in Internet Explorer 8 compatibility mode. On your server open IIS manager, click the plus sign under default website and then select “Exchange” and right click and choose properties. Go to the TAB HTTP-HEADERS and add a customer header X-UA-Compatible with value IE=EmulateIE8.

Now the browser receives this header and automatically uses compatibility mode.

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