blog howto windows

Windows 7 change product key and activate from command line

Open CMD as Administrator (elevated).
cd /d %systemroot%\system32
cscript slmgr.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-YYYYY...
cscript slmgr.vbs /ato

Windows 10/2016/2019:

cd /d %systemroot%\system32
cscript slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-YYYYY...

Good luck.

blog howto windows

Office 2010 command line activate or change product key

Cloned PC, changed office key. Got error with license information on restart office. Ativated through CMD and all was OK.
Open CMD as Administrator.
cd c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14
cscript ospp.vbs /act

If you want to change product key through command line it is like this:
cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-YYYYY....

blog howto server windows

Errors with ntbackup caused by shadow copy.

Portions of FILENAME cannot be read. The backed up data is corrupt or incomplete. This file will not restore correctly.

I would receive this error numerous times in my ntbackup log.

In my case the C: drive would backup without any issue, but the D: drive would show these errors for every file in use.

My backup destination was a 2TB USB disk (G:) with a newer cluster size that is greater than 512. This is not really an issue for storing the backups. But somehow my shadow copy settings on the D: drive were using the G: backup drive as the place to store the shadow copies for the D: drive. And storing shadow copies on a drive with cluster size != 512 will fail. Note: on the G: drive itself shadow copies are disabled. Not needed for backup drive and will fail anyways because of above mentioned reason.

blog howto windows

Windows XP expired but activation screen won’t show

If you have repaired windows XP with an older CD, you could get the windows expired message, after completing setup, asking you to activate first. If you click YES, the activation screen doesn’t show and you get logged off (immediately or after 20 mins with only the background visible). If you choose NO you get logged off as well. Safe mode without networking allows you in, but activation can’t be done under safe mode. Quite the problem.

I found a solution in the newsgroups, I’ll copy it here for keeps sake:

I was having the same issue with Windows XP Media Center Edition. Installing SP2 over SP3 was not the problem for me, though I thought it was at the beginning. I had to change out a motherboard, and then had to reinstall windows. I was unable to enter safe mode or normal mode without the Activation popup, and then after clicking yes to activate, it would show my wallpaper and do nothing else. Have been searching for a few days for an answer with no luck. Found alot of information on wpa.dbl licence and registry fixes and people saying that it was due to having an OEM copy of XP. None of these were the case for me.
Download Internet Explorer 8 and Hotfix KB946501, burn them to disc
Hotfix KB946501
Internet Explorer 8
Start your PC and repeatedly hit F8 to get the safe mode menu.
Choose safe mode with command prompt only (if you are unable to enter safe mode otherwise)
When the command prompt appears type “explorer”
Should load the Windows GUI behind the cmd window
Install the KB946501 hotfix from your disc (reboot may be needed after this)
Install IE8
Reboot normally in to Windows, you should be able to activate as usual.
Apparently the activation Window is dependant upon IE.
Hope this works, let me know.

All credit goes to RowdyRocket, original topic can be found here.